The Reason

Many years ago when I was in high school, I spent a lot of time in the library, partly because I loved the smell of all the books, and partly to search for my next story fix. This particular day I pulled out a book with a title evoking all my favorite feelings, so I took it home with me, anxious to begin another adventure of losing myself in a wonderful story.

Little did I know just how much I would lose myself. I still read that book and the sequel again every few years and it never gets old.

The book’s story is set in South Africa, and the author draws you in to experience the culture and traditions of several local tribes, among them the Matabele and Bushmen in particular. I fell in love with the Bushman spirit and resilience. I fell in love with the Matabele’s steadfastness and courage. These indigenous people are rich in heritage and even richer in stories that have been passed down from generation to generation for centuries.

A Story Like the Wind was written by Laurens Van Der Post some years ago and its sequel A Far Off Place was actually made into a movie, although the screen writers deviated a whole lot from the true story.

Every time I read this snippet at the front of the first book, it reminds me of how important stories are to all of us.

“Thou knowest that I sit waiting for the moon to turn back, that I may listen to all the people’s stories… For I am here – in a great city – I do not obtain stories – … I do merely listen, watching for a story which I want to hear; that it may float into my ear… I will go to sit at my home that I may listen, turn my ears backwards to the heels of my feet on which I wait, so that I can feel that a story is in the wind.”

God has given each of us stories in our lives – stories of sadness and tragedy, strength and victory, to encourage others in their journey. To remind others that life is full of many things, much of it wonderful, the tough times will pass, and others have passed this same way before us and paved the way. Our earthly existence is our training ground for eternity.

So persevere and wait with expectation, and share your story to instill courage in the ones coming behind.