Spiderwebs and dew

I know, I’m still a week behind.  No matter, I’ll get caught up.  Here’s  post 12 of 2019.  I was caught by unexpected beauty the other day.

I don’t know why I’d never noticed them before. It was an especially foggy morning and the drive was uneventful. Quiet and peaceful as the miles sped by and the roads wound around the countryside. The forest was cloaked in translucent white while the gray sky slowly brightened to blue as the sun rose in the east chasing the fog away.

I was on the sidewalk, and the wet grass with the sun shining on it, reflecting the drops of dew, drew my attention. I stooped down and looked more closely. The grass was filled with many tiny and perfectly spun webs, each about the size of a half dollar in diameter. Delicate and almost invisible, winking in the sun as the drops of dew caught the light.

There were so many, inches apart from each other, I couldn’t count them all.

If I had chosen to walk across the grass instead of the sidewalk, how many would I have unintentionally destroyed? They had to have been spun in the dark. Tiny spiders working hard for their breakfast. Creating miniature works of art that could be annihilated in an instant.

There are so many things of beauty we can easily miss. When we change our focus from where we’re supposed to be going to reveling in the journey itself our lives are enriched by the seemingly small and inconsequential.

To our unseeing eyes God’s creation continues fulfilling their purpose in the cycle of life. He watches over and ordains the movements of the tiniest of creatures. He feeds them and gives them water every day. His creation has continued for millennia and sings the songs he wrote special for each one.

He knows the stars and calls them each by name. (Psalm 147:4)

God unfolds the beauty in the lilies of the field. (Matthew 6:28)

He gives his beloved sleep. (Psalm 127:2)

Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you. (Psalm 116:7)

Living a life of thankfulness and appreciation for even the smallest of details makes for a joyful life full of meaning and purpose.

A lover of stories and a weaver of words. There are stories to be told everywhere you go. Beautiful stories of love and loss, joy and pain, tragedy and triumph. They are all worth telling.
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