Popcorn and a movie

I know, I know!  This is post 5, but it’s week 6.  I really did write something last week, but it wasn’t good enough to post, so, what can I say?  I’m a work in progress.

I sat spell-bound this evening watching a movie. No, not a movie. The re-telling of an achingly sad and beautiful story. A story that happened before I was born to people just like me. Their sadness was my sadness. Their struggles were my struggles, and their joy became my joy as well.

What made it so riveting wasn’t the acting, which was spot on, or the scenery and setting which were breath-taking, but the perspective of each character as they told their part in the unfolding saga of loss and sacrifice. What they saw, what they felt, and what they believed about what was happening around them, to them, and to those they loved the most.

Each one with a character arc, and each one with a distinct and important place in the story. Each voice with their own unique sound and intonation telling their tale with passion and brutal honesty.

The ending was only partially predictable, and immensely satisfying.

I love stories that reveal only hints and keep you guessing at what was really behind someone’s actions. What was their motivation for doing what, on the surface seemed terrible, but in the end showcased the character’s strength that became an inspiration to others.

Terribly difficult things happen to the best people. Hearts are broken and lives are shattered. But those who overcome the worst life can bring, have a way of finding joy in everyday life. They turn their faces to the sun, breathe deeply, and are thankful for what they still have.

The best stories are stories of triumph over evil, where love grows ever stronger despite the darkness, and hope saves the weak, giving them strength they never believed they could possess to overcome difficulty and even thrive in the worst of circumstances.

Each time we rise up out of our sorrow and disappointment, we encourage someone else. And the ripples keep going for as far as the eye can see.

Having others to do life with makes the uncertain journey fulfilling and worth it. There’s nothing like the look of love and understanding from a friend, nothing like the embrace of a neighbor with a shared grief, and nothing like the whispered words “I’m right here”, to infuse a heart with purpose and meaning to keep going.

As Jesus said, “in the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world.”

Everyone’s story is valuable and everyone’s story has merit.

A lover of stories and a weaver of words. There are stories to be told everywhere you go. Beautiful stories of love and loss, joy and pain, tragedy and triumph. They are all worth telling.
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