Editing Services

Gentle, thorough editing for your life’s work, blog posts, articles, and more.

If you’re like me, those words you bled onto the page are your babies. No fear! I’ll take good care of them. Being an author myself, I understand the emotional connection. Each word mirrors your soul, right? And you are loath to let just anyone read them and – gasp – change anything!

So, yes, I get it. Do you need a basic edit to determine if you’re communicating in a clear and compelling manner? Or maybe you’re looking for assistance with grammar, punctuation and sentence structure.

Do you need extensive help with content? I can rearrange and add to it. I’ve worked on a lot of websites reworking old content and adding new to make your information fresh.

Sometimes, all you need is another set of eyes to proof your galley copy one last time, mining for typos or incorrect formatting.

I have you covered! Below, you’ll see my price structure, but if you have something out of the ordinary, fill out the form below and let’s discuss.

I use the CMOS (Chicago Manual of Style) as my bible for editing.

Oh, one caveat – I reserve the right to refuse any project. I’m not overly fussy, but I dislike reading profanity and graphic descriptions of nudity/sex.

Editing Prices:

Basic edit

One read through with analysis for overall clarity and direction. I’ll give you the positives and negatives with suggestions.
$.0225 per word (minimum $50)
Paid up front

Copy edit

Two edits, checking and correcting punctuation, grammar and some sentence structure (no content moving, just minor changes).
$.035 per word (minimum $50)
50% paid up front, 25% after first edit, balance upon completion of second edit.

Content edit

Two edits that include Copy Edit services, with addition of extensive content moving and assistance in adding more content as needed. Price based on initial word count, then adjusted for final word count.
$.045 per word (minimum $50)
50% paid up front, then remaining 50% after first edit. New balance due after re-calculating based on additional content added after second edit.


$25 per page for print-ready galley proofs. Five or more pages, $22 each.
I’ll be looking for typos and formatting errors.
Paid up front

Contact Me:

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY