
Here’s another excerpt from my upcoming book.  From deep desire to reality.

The time I’ve spent
The words I’ve used
Were all for you,
Were all for you.

I watched and waited for my star to rise,
I searched the horizon long,
My ship it hasn’t come.

Did I not wait long enough?
Was I not good at scanning the distant shore?
Where did I fail you?

An unfinished symphony it’s said is life,
My heart aches to hear the chorus
My ears strain to catch the melody.

Did I make too many mistakes?
Did you get tired of waiting for me?
Have you set me aside, unused and forgotten?

Then why have I felt a stirring in my heart of late
A restlessness of spirit
A deep desire to stretch my wings and fly

But where are my wings?
I don’t see them
I don’t see them
But I want to fly!

I walk through my days unseen it seems
Just one of many
No one special
No one with something extraordinary to give
Won’t someone see in my eyes
That I can be
I can do
So much more
So much more.

But you have to see me
How can I make you see me?
Won’t someone see me

What is this sprouting from my back
Can they be the wings I’ve longed for
When shall I fly
Where shall I fly

Command me and I’ll go
Speak the words and I’m there
Spirit me away to new places
New hearts
Open hearts

I awake
Where have you sent me
Let my burning heart proclaim
To all who will hear
Words of life
Words of love
Words of peace

Ow! Something hurts
My wings they bleed
But they still carry me
All I ask is that they still carry me
I can endure the pain
I see the distant horizon
Send me again

To serve my King
Is all I desire
My heart is full
Let me burn out for you

Thank you for my wings

A lover of stories and a weaver of words. There are stories to be told everywhere you go. Beautiful stories of love and loss, joy and pain, tragedy and triumph. They are all worth telling.
1 comment
  1. W O W…

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