The Case for Life Insurance

This was originally published in the  Lynn Haven Ledger as the first article in The Rebecca Series for insurance

“I know I can do this today”, Rebecca thought. “It’s been almost a year since Roger died, and it’s finally time to go through all his papers and files”. She was standing at his desk, her fingers resting gently on the now dusty surface, still trying to envision him sitting there.

Underneath a pile of old bills marked ‘paid’ from several years ago, she found a legal pad with just a few pages used. They were written in his distinctive print-cursive she had loved so much. Bold, but almost delicate. She expected to find lists of ‘Things to do’ for his work, but then she took a closer look.

It was a list, but it wasn’t for work. It was for life. His life. Almost like a bucket list.

Her eyes immediately teared up, and she sank heavily into his favorite desk chair. Grabbing some tissues, she picked up the legal pad and began to read what her beloved husband had written. Oh, how she missed him!

Why, it was a list of things to be thankful for! What was the date? Oh, here it was at the top of the page. Almost exactly three years ago. She remembered now. He had been going through a period of depression and their Pastor must have recommended this as part of his therapy.

“I am thankful for…” he had written on the top line.

My family
My wife who puts up with my moods
My little girls who light up my world
… and on it went for a whole page

She sighed deeply, wiped her tears once again, and put the legal pad aside.

In another drawer she found a quote for life insurance dated just six months before his unexpected death. Her hands began to shake uncontrollably as she read over the information. The amount of the coverage would have paid off their mortgage, their debts, and put their girls through college. And the monthly payment – wow – it was less than one night out a month for dinner.

She let the paper fall to the floor, placed her head on the desk and sobbed.

I think, for most people, once they get past the whole depressing idea behind life insurance, their next concern is – hey, can I even afford it?

So I’d like to dispel that common misconception that says life insurance isn’t affordable.

Of course you can purchase life insurance – high dollar amounts and comprehensive policies – that can be pricey, but I’m talking about what the average family can easily afford to pay every month.

Term policies in particular tend to be very low in cost. They’re straightforward. The monthly amount doesn’t change, so you have no surprises.

What’s really good about them is actually more than the small price tag. Although, small price tags are pretty good.

For example – a 20 year old getting life insurance for less than $15 a month? Or a 45 year old getting life insurance for less than the cost of a tank of gas.

These are real-life examples. Of course, as you know, there are variables. But on the whole, term life insurance policies are affordable for almost every budget.

But as I said above, the best thing about life insurance isn’t the low price. It’s knowing that all of those people who mean the world to you, will be taken care of. That they won’t have to have the added burden of insurmountable debt on top of the deep grief of missing you so much.

Let us help your family. It helps us sleep better at night. And, I’m positive it will help you sleep better, too.